Dear Glenwood Landing Families,
We hope everyone is having a great start to their 2025! The SCA started out this year with the ever popular After the Bell program. The children are having so much fun thanks to our wonderful faculty instructors and program providers. After the Bell not only provides our students with wonderful opportunities to try out something new, learn and create but also raises money for our school!
With the money we raise from fundraisers like After the Bell, the SCA is able to bring back the teacher grant program. We are currently in the process of reviewing teacher and faculty grant applications to purchase materials that need funding outside of the annual school district budget. Stay tuned for an update next month to see what exciting items have been purchased by the SCA to enhance our children's academic experiences!
There will not be an SCA member meeting in February. We hope to see you all at the 9:00 AM SCA member meeting on March 11th. At this meeting, Mrs. Marcantonio will provide us with a presentation outlining all the amazing things School Wide Enrichment Services affords our students.
There are even more exciting things on the horizon. Scroll down to find out what's happening!
Please reach out if you have any questions, concerns or are interested in chairing or participating in any SCA events.
Warmest Regards,
Serena Mooney & Maria Palmieri