Maria Palmieri & Serena Mooney
Welcome Back!
We hope you all have been enjoying the summer and the beautiful weather! On behalf of the GWL SCA Executive Board, we would like to take this opportunity to welcome our new and returning families to the Glenwood Landing Elementary School. We look forward to working with you all and making the 2024-2025 school year a great one! Our success is due in large part to the many volunteers who work tirelessly to organize events and fundraisers that are enjoyed by our entire school community!
What is the GWL SCA?
For any new families, the SCA stands for School Community Association. Think "PTA," but just a different acronym. The SCA is organized for the purpose of supporting and enhancing the educational experiences of the GWL's students by providing an organization through which the parents, school, and teachers can work cooperatively and to provide financial support for programs funded outside of the annual school budget. Visit our website or click here for more information about the SCA.
Join the SCA
The SCA plays a vital role in the additional enrichment programs our children enjoy throughout the year, so more community involvement results in a better experience for the students at Glenwood Landing. We encourage you to join! By paying dues, you become an SCA member and as a perk, you receive access to our online school directory. Meetings alternate almost every month between morning and night in order to accommodate all members. During these meetings, a lot of pertinent information is discussed regarding school fundraisers, SCA programs and events, volunteer opportunities, building maintenance and district updates. Members can also ask any questions or share any concerns they may have. Mrs. Finder, our Principal, is also in attendance at our meetings and will give a GWL update. Join the SCA below!
Stay Connected
In an effort to keep everyone informed, the SCA will send out monthly newsletters and periodic emails of all upcoming events and activities. Please remember to register on the SCA website to gain access to all updates and information regarding the SCA. You can also download the REMIND app (text @gwlsca2425 to 81010 to join) so you won’t miss a thing!
Fundraising, Volunteering & Events
Please be sure to read about our upcoming fundraisers, events and volunteer opportunities below. If you are considering volunteering to be a Class Parent for the year, please sign up below as well. Our events and fundraisers only happen with your help! Please consider volunteering by signing up for opportunities below. Thank you!
SCA Gifts & Purchases
To welcome your children back to school, they will again receive their student planners and/or folders provided by the SCA.
As always, we welcome your feedback, so please contact us if you have any questions or comments at msergio.gwlsca@gmail.comand We wish you a wonderful start to the school year and we look forward to seeing you all soon!
Maria Palmieri & Serena Mooney